
The Inspire Invest Foundation has been supporting projects in emerging countries, such as Myanmar, where we supported the training of young women to become entrepreneur.

We gave management courses for former political prisoners and environmental awareness training in schools in cooperation with Partnership for Change, another Norwegian non-profit organization.

Already back in 2006, Dr. Willums supported South-African climate and renewable energy pioneer Michael Feldner in creating projects for Inspire in South Africa, focused on solar investment projects with a strong  social objective.  Subsequently,  Dr. Willums and to local partners, Henri Thompson and Michael Feldner. established InSpire South Africa. Both local partners had extensive venture capital and management consulting experience and a keen interest in developing sustainable investments in the Southern African region. Michael Feldner is advisor to E&Co , the Rockefeller initiated solar development organization. Several advisory projects have emerged out of Inspire South Africa, that is today managed by Michael Feldner in Johannesburg.

Focusing on the implementation of sustainable investments in Cleantech and innovative financing with a “social dividend”, InSpire South Africa is serving as a partner company for the ZEM ENERGY INITIATIVE targeting to install electicity to one million people by 2025 in the world.

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